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Thanks for your Inquiry!

Thanks for contacting The Academy for Addiction Professionals. The CBHT course is 30 hours and offered online for $199 at: https://www.addictionacademy.com/online-class.php. We will also send you the recordings of our last Zoom course for additional context.

Arizona Students Only:

Arizona does not have a formal BHT certification. These are usually provided by local treatment centers. We are happy to provide Arizona students with our CBHT course and a certificate of completion.

Other Non-Florida Students:

Note that this Certification is administered by the Florida Certification Board. If you wish to pursue it, you will be required to take your certification exam at an FCB-approved testing site. However, your local board may have an equivalent and may accept our training. Please check with the board in your state.

Please feel free to contact us directly at in**@ad**************.com.