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Online Addiction Training Coming Soon!

We’re very proud to announce that we have just completed the set-up of our new online addiction CEU training course system. That means that within a few weeks, we will have the first of many courses available to those who need CEUs for their addiction certification or those who wish to take some or all of their certification classes online. Please keep an eye out for the official launch of our online classroom!

Pricing for our online classes will vary based on the course being taken. The classes will require watching video and downloading coursework from the web. It will also have a significant home study component. Students will then take a comprehensive test to ensure their complete understanding of the topic before they are issued their certificate.

For more information on online classes please read our online addiction class FAQs

Addiction Training for Medical Professionals

The Academy for Addiction Professionals is offering free behavioral health training seminars on managing addiction and addictive behavior in a hospital or medical center setting. Through this lecture series, we hope to reinforce basic addiction training in the hospital and medical center setting. The topics covered in this seminar are critical to effectively dealing with addiction in a medical setting. Seminars will feature the following behavioral health topics: Continue reading

Drug Related Fatalities

Television ads, car companies and the US government constantly remind us about the dangers of driving, which causes a staggering number of fatalities every year. However, a recent Los Angeles Times analysis of US government records has uncovered that the number of deaths associated with drug overdoses has overtaken traffic fatalities in the United States. https://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/17/local/la-me-drugs-epidemic-20110918 Continue reading

The Beginnings of the “War on Drugs”

The “War on Drugs” was officially launched in the early 1970s when President Nixon coined the term. This program was an expansion of national drug policies dating back to the early 1900s. Initially, the drive was sparked by the alarming rise in drug use by military service members in the Vietnam War. The outrage that this sparked offered a high-profile look at drug addiction and its consequences within the US. The ultimate result of this policy and movement, regardless of its effectiveness, was a newfound appreciation for the scope of the disease of addiction. Continue reading

Genetics and Addiction

Recent studies about addiction and addictive behaviors have shown what many have believed over the years — that there may well be a genetic predisposition to addiction. To this point, the difficulty in determining whether there is an addictive gene lies in each addict’s varying exposure to environmental factors that promote drug addiction. As a result, separating environmental causes from a genetic predisposition for addiction has been difficult. However, the medical community now believes that a combination of genetics and environment is the basis of many addictions. Studies have shown that the child of an addict is four times more likely to be an addict themselves, although they are not necessarily doomed to addiction. It is estimated that up to 60% of alcoholics had some form of family history of alcoholism. Continue reading

Substance Abuse Counselor Job Growth

Here at the Academy for Addiction Professionals we believe that becoming a licensed drug and alcohol or mental health counselor is a fantastic move for personal and career development. No matter what specialization you choose you will be entering a growing industry that offers opportunity and job satisfaction.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected an employment increase of substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors of 21% between 2008 and 2018. Further the projected employment increase for mental health counselors during that same period is 24%. This underscores the significant prospects that those who enter the substance abuse and mental health counseling field may have.

Lear more about these projections at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

You can also get further information by visiting related links on our website:

Substance Abuse Counselor Jobs
Addiction Counselor Salary
Addiction Counselor Job Growth

Welcome to Our All New Website

Welcome to the all-new Academy for Addiction Professionals website. We’re really happy to have you here. Take a look around and feel free to pre-register for an addiction course. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Stay tuned for blog updates and important information from the Academy for Addiction Professionals.

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