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Ecstasy, technically known as MDMA, has become widely used as a club and recreational drug. Generally, the drug is distributed and consumed in pill form, however it can also be sold as crystals or powder.

As with many other unregulated and illegal drugs, there is a concern about the purity of ecstasy. When it is produced, ecstasy can be blended with many other compounds and chemicals each of which can be toxic to the body in its own way. Finding a pure form of ecstasy can be difficult because oftentimes purer forms of the drug are virtually indistinguishable from the impure versions.

How It Works

Ecstasy, often referred to as ‘E’ or ‘X’ offers an almost immediate sense of euphoria as well as suppressing inhibitions, making it popular for outings and social situation. It is illegal in the United States and throughout most of the world, however, due to its significant effects.

The Effects of Ecstasy

Ecstasy can cause all wide variety of side effects ranging from physical to psychological and those who take the drug may even die after their first dose. Long-term, the drug has serious consequences on behavioral health and can cause paranoia and depression amongst many other effects. A recent study by Harvard Medical School showed little to no cognitive impairment.*

Treating Ecstasy Addiction

Those who are dependent on or addicted to the drug need to seek drug treatment and counseling immediately in order to reduce the harm that the drug will cause on the body and mind. Treatment for ecstasy requires a course of detox to remove the drug from the system followed by a 30, 60 or 90 day treatment program in order to counsel the drug addict and give them ways to avoid relapse.


* Halpern J.H., Sherwood A.R., Hudson J.I., Gruber S., Kozin D., and Pope H.G. Jr.  Residual neurocognitive features of long-term ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs.  Addiction, 106: doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03252.x