Ultimately, the addiction exams that you will have to take for certification are meant to ensure a minimal level of competency for certified counselors. This is to help protect both the counselors and their clients. The IC&RC exam is no different. It exists to ensure that the candidate seeking certification has the minimum skills and training for success in its reciprocal member boards. This exam is required for the CAP certification and is optional for the CAC certification. It is different and in addition to the Florida Certification Board examination.
Each exam involves 150 questions that contribute to the score that will ultimately determine passing or failing of the exam. You will also find 25 questions that will not count toward your final score. These questions are used by the IC&RC to influence and enhance future examinations. They help determine if questions are too hard or too easy or if the questions are not relevant to your field of study. The questions are not identified separately from the questions that count. As always answer to the best of your abilities, regardless of the difficulty of the question.
The IC&RC does not publish a study guide, therefore it is important that students speak to our office or the Florida Certification Board to find suitable study materials. The IC&RC exam is different from the Florida Certification Board exam and you should study for it, even if you think you have a complete grasp of the concepts. You may want to speak to professionals who have recently taken their test to learn more about the format and advice on taking the test.
You can learn more about the details of the examination here: https://www.internationalcredentialing.org/exams