Getting Your First Job After Treatment
Simply going to treatment is an amazing achievement, and one of which you should be very proud. Addiction, whether drugs or alcohol, is an insidious disease and many do not find the strength to realize they have a problem and do something about it. During the treatment process, you have a support team, in the form of counselors and staff at your treatment facility, that offer guidance and help throughout the process. However, we often don’t truly ponder the challenges we may face after we are sober and back to “normal” life.
Consider the amount of time a client was using, and the months of treatment, they may have been out of the workforce for years. For those without substance-abuse issues, that is difficult enough. But some of us in recovery may be dealing with cravings, potentially a past criminal history and even mental illness.
All of this may seem overwhelming, but there is a way out.
The way you get ever better jobs is by proving to yourself and your employers that you can deliver on your promise. With substance abuse in your past, however, few employers may be willing to take that chance. You may wish to consider working in the treatment industry. This has several significant benefits:
- First, now that you are back on your feet, you may want to give back to those experiencing the worst lows of their lives. After all, you’ve been there and tackled your disease. You may feel compelled to pass on some of your knowledge and experience – there’s plenty of opportunity to do so.
- Second, the treatment industry is not only open to but supportive of former addicts looking to get back on their feet. As an industry, we know how valuable your life experience is. We know that many of the things you did or didn’t do under the influence were the disease, and not you, talking.
- Third, there is no shortage of open positions of the treatment industry. Counselors, behavioral health technicians, recovery specialists and recovery coaches are all necessary to keep the industry running and clients cared for. Those who are dedicated to the recovery process can often find a fulfilling and well-paying job.
- Finally, even if a career in recovery is not your ultimate goal, it may be a steppingstone to the next level. Being a part of the treatment industry is becoming part of a large family. You will soon see opportunities within and outside of the industry begin to open.
Making the Most of Your Career in Addiction Treatment
If you were looking to become a part of the addiction treatment industry, and you are in early recovery, we encourage you to investigate professional training. From entry-level positions such as a certified recovery support specialist and certified behavioral health technician to higher level certification such as the certified addiction counselor and certified addiction professional, training here at the Academy for Addiction Professionals can enhance your career and open job prospects. We look forward to speaking with you more about your goals and how we can help you reach them.