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Addiction Counselor Testimonials:

What our students are saying:

“I really just wanted to give my heart felt thank you to you and your amazing team.

I gained so much more than what I originally signed up for, which was my certification. It was my employer who actually required me to do so and he even gave me a time frame in which he hoped I would be complete. Since I was a high school drop out I had a lot to accomplish. I sat for my GED, signed up at Broward College and attended the Academy while working full time. I often found my self overwhelmed and did not inventory my lack of self care and unhealthy boundaries. Through the course of my studies Thomas asked me to prepare a treatment plan on a fictitious client. I prepared one for myself! Through this fact finding process I later started asserting myself in healthy boundaries and making time for my spirituality and self care.

My employer  noticed my improved clinical skills and ability to assert myself and advocate and confront for others when necessary, I received a promotion to be the admission coordinator. Again it was at your facility that I grew in supervision as Keith Gill answered many questions for me and even stayed 20 minutes late to make sure I understood the assessment and screening process. Although I was grateful to my employer for promoting me to the Admissions department I missed the daily client interaction. Again I was promoted to case manager for our IOP clients. The way your classroom setting is staged when Richard taught his class I was able to seek supervision due to the classroom setting and where I was encouraged to act out  situations with clients. I brought all my tough situations right to class and I gained feedback from the instructor as well as my peers.

I signed up for the 2 day review at another center and to my dismay they canceled the class  prior to my exam. I called Shira and again the Academy went above and beyond. She assured me and gave me all my needed documentation for review. I sat for my exam in January and today I am a CAC. In my experience I gained much more than what I signed up for!

Thank You”

~ Kathryn


If you want people to take you seriously, you need to take yourself more seriously. You need to have educational and career goals – Benjamin Brafman

Those were the words that changed my life as I know it, and started my journey with “The Academy For Addiction Professionals” After working in the substance abuse field for the last two years, I needed to decide whether or not I was going to pursue a career as a Certified Addiction Professional (C.A.P.) or not. With encouragement and information provided by the staff at “The Academy,” I made a decision to take my education and career more seriously. I enrolled in class April of 2009, and haven’t looked back since. I am now 2 months away from completing the required courses and will take my Certified Addiction Professional exam in the fall. Over the last year, I have been provided information and been challenged in ways that have made me a more knowledgeable, and seasoned professional in this field. The instructors are informative, patient and encouraging. The overall classroom experience is what makes The Academy so special. 90% of the students are currently working in the field or have worked in the field before. This gives us an opportunity to learn from each other and our experiences along with the material covered in class. We gain insight and different perspectives on real life situations that will occur while applying our education in our chosen field. The students and instructors work together to make this an overall enjoyable and valuable learning experience.

I would strongly encourage anyone looking into continued education in the substance abuse field to contact The Academy for Addiction Professionals, you will make a decision that will not only benefit you professionally, but personally as well.”

~ Keith Gill, Graduating class of 2010


“My name is Jenny Hunt. I’m a graduate from the University of Miami and I’ve been working in the field of addiction treatment for almost two years. I started in the Marketing Department at {a treatment center}, writing blogs and managing social media. Shortly thereafter, I was given the opportunity to facilitate a weekly group therapy session for our detox clients. It was then that I became interested in the clinical side of addiction treatment. I am now the Social Media and Content Marketing Manager for…three facilities…

I enrolled in CAP school at the Academy for Addiction Professionals because I hope to one day have a greater role in working directly with addicts and alcoholics in a clinical capacity. I have been pleased with the level of education offered at the Academy, and also with the opportunity to network with other addiction professionals in the area. I would highly recommend the Academy for Addiction Professionals to anyone who aspire to work in the field of addiction treatment or to those who, like me, are already working in the field and hope to advance their career.”

~ Jenny Hunt


“I am currently working as a counselor at a inpatient detox facility and attended The Academy for Addiction Professionals from 2010 to 2011. My experience at the Academy helped me tremendously in my career. The instructors were very knowledgeable and competent. The style of each instructor was unique and specific to the classes they taught. Also each brought their own personal field experience to the classes that made the coursework more understandable. I always felt assured that if i didn’t understand something, the instructors were always willing to go the extra mile to make sure i did.

I also felt that the approach to the courses was unique and innovative. I was always excited to go to class. The hours were reasonable and flexible enough to fit into my busy schedule. I use all the information I learned at the Academy almost on a daily basis at work. It also helped me build the confidence I needed to become an effective therapist or “change agent” in this substance abuse field.”

~ Matt Q, Graduating class of 2011


“A short time ago I made the challenging decision to change careers. Most people, I would imagine, understand the fear and doubt involved when making such a life changing decision. I knew I wanted to work in the field of substance abuse and mental health but I had no idea how to get properly educated. I started my research and was given the number to The Academy for Addiction Professionals.  I had many doubts.  I had never heard of the school but a valued friend told me all my troubles would be put to rest if I went in to speak to the founder and director Ben Brafman. I am here to tell you that all my concerns were put to rest.

The classes are small enough that all my questions get answered. The professors work in the field and have ten or more years of knowledge to pull from. Not only is that a huge resource but they help you through the complicated application process for the Florida Certification Board and make sure to have you as prepared as possible to take the test for the Certified Addiction Counselor or Certified Addiction Professional. They even went as far as helping me get job placement in field. So if you are in the same position I was, don’t fear or doubt because the academy and its team of skilled and knowledgeable counselors will supply you with the practical ammunition to use in this ever challenging field.

I couldn’t have done it without them and I thank them for it.”

~ Chris Arbuckle, Graduating class of 2010


“The Academy for Addiction Professionals was a wonderful experience for me and opened doors in my career. Today, as a result of a passion for my job, hard work and the Academy I am proud to be employed in a management position at a leading addiction treatment facility in South Florida. Not only were the courses interesting, but they offered a real world perspective. Unlike many other educational programs, I use the skills that the Academy taught me on a regular basis.”

~ Beth A., Graduating Class of 2011